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Hakes, Harriet L.


Posted By: Gayle P. Snow (email)
Date: 5/10/2024 at 18:48:00

Harriett L. Arnold was born near Martelle, Linn County, March 10, 1861 and died at the home of her son, L. B. Hakes in Laurens, August 20th, 1934.

She was married to Montague Hakes at Marion in December 1884 and to them four sons were born: Byron A., Karl M., Ledgard B., and Leland Paul. In January 1885, soon after her marriage, she came with her husband to Laurens where she spent the greater part of her life.

Besides the four sons, she is survived by three sisters: Mrs. William Gamo, Los Angeles; Mrs. J. R. Hakes, Evanston, Illinois; Mrs. Bess A. Ross, Long Beach, California. She also leaves six grandchildren.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at the old home. The Christian Science service was conducted by C. C. Hall of Fort Dodge. Burial was in the Laurens cemetery. Her four sons, a grandson, Montague Hakes and a nephew, Lowell Hakes, acted as pall bearers.

Mrs. Hakes lives for her family. She was an ideal mother in the home. She came to Laurens when it was young and saw it grow, doing her part in its development, in her own unobtrusive way. She was a charter member of the Laurens Woman's Club and an active worker so long as she maintained her home in Laurens.

The profuse floral offerings and the great concourse of people present at the funeral services, showed that she was kindly remembered and sincerely mourned by the community.

Mr. Hakes died in July 1921 and since then Mrs. Hakes spent the winters and most of the year in Phoenix, Arizona and in southern California.

The following relatives from out-of-town were here to attend the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hakes, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Hakes, and Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh of Ames, Mrs. Ella Clabaugh of Nevada, Mrs. J. R. Hakes of Evanston and her daughter, Mrs. Basil Ward of Chicago.


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