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Halvor Sjursson Larson (1823-1910)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 5/15/2024 at 17:08:15

From Story City Herald March 24, 1910 (page 1)



Halvor S. Larson was born in Skaanevik, Norway, Aug. 23, 1823, where at a young age he was educated as a school teacher. At the age of 24, in 1847, he immigrated to America, settling in Kendall county, Illinois, where he met the lady who later became his wife, Ranved Tungesvig. Their marriage occurred in 1854 and they made their home on a farm until 1866 when Mr. Larson received a call from the St. Petri congregation at this place to teach its parochial school, which he accepted, and they have made their home here ever since on their place in the southeast part of town, which they purchased upon their arrival.

The deceased has at various time owned an interest in several business firms here and occupied many positions of trust in the church he served so long as parochial teacher and "klokker."

Eight children have preceded him to the better land. His wife and two children, Bernhard and Margrethe, survive to mourn his death, which cut him off at the ripe old age of 86 years and six months.

The funeral services were held Saturday, and the church was filled with people who had come from far and near to pay their last respects to this old and faithful father in Israel.


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